We are a global nonprofit organization that saves and heals lives by honoring donated gifts, serving patients, and advancing science.

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Become an Organ and Tissue Donor

Over 120,000 people need organ transplants and there are many more who could benefit from tissue transplants. Thousands of people die each year before an organ for transplantation becomes available and many more face long waiting times or less than ideal alternatives for lack of a tissue transplant. Increasing the number of donors will help end needless suffering and will save lives. You can help. MTF Biologics encourages you to learn the facts about donation, register to be a donor, and discuss it with your family. Visit to register and learn how your gift of organs or tissues can bring new life to patients and their families.

Organ and tissue transplants save and heal the lives of millions of individuals, providing life-saving gifts and improved health.

Birth tissue includes placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic fluid which can be used for wound care, surgical and ophthalmic procedures.

Donation FAQs

Can anyone be a tissue donor?
Is there a difference between tissue and organ donation?
What tissues can be donated?
How are the tissues removed and what about funeral arrangements?
Can organs and corneas be taken along with the tissue?
How are tissues used?
Is there a cost to donate tissue?
How does MTF Biologics receive donated tissue?
Are there any objections to donation based on religious belief?
How can I donate my excess skin after my weight loss surgery? I read that MTF Biologics had a program where patients could donate their excess skin to help others.
DonateLife Logo PMS


Visit and learn how your gift of tissue can give bring new life to patients and their families. Although there have been advances in medical technology, the demand for tissue donation still vastly exceeds the number of donors. Your tissue donation can help heal up to 75 people.

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MTF Biologics Donor Family Support Services

Compassionate Care For Donor Families is at the Heart of Our Mission

At MTF Biologics, we never forget the magnitude of the gift our donors and their families make. We’ve set this site up just for you—a place you can come to learn about tissue donation, find helpful resources and more. So please, visit us here often, and keep in touch.


Services to Honor
Donor Families and
the Gift of Donation.

These services are designed to help you cope with your loss, while appreciating the incredible gift your loved one has made to others:

  • Periodic personal phone calls.
  • Remembrances including sympathy, birthday and holiday cards.
  • A free, informative packet with bereavement support literature, support group information and more.
  • You may also request information about tissue recipients, including their age range, gender, location and type of transplant. 

Getting Involved

MTF Biologics has several volunteer groups comprised of donor family members and tissue recipients who share their stories and encourage others to consider donation.  Many families have found that being involved with other donor families has a profound effect on their lives, and appreciate the opportunity to share the story of their loved ones.  Tissue recipients have inspirational stories of how a transplant transformed their lives.  Our volunteer groups are located in NY, NJ, and PA. We can provide you with information on how you can get involved and volunteer by contacting  


Linking Lives Program

The Linking Lives Program is a voluntary program that gives tissue recipients the opportunity to write a letter of thanks to their donor family. Recipients are encouraged to write a letter which MTF Biologics will forward to the agency that coordinated the tissue recovery. We provide tissue recipients with guidelines for writing to their donor family. The recovery agency sends the letter to the donor family. Donor families may not hear from their tissue recipients as many patients are unaware that they can write to their donor families. However, those who do receive a letter from a grateful tissue recipient have shared how important those letters can be.


Understanding Tissue Transplants

A tissue graft is a bone, ligament, cartilage, tendon or section of skin (also called “tissue”) that is transplanted from one person to another. Tissue grafts come from people like you who chose to donate their tissue after they die. Every year in the United States, surgeons use more than one million tissue grafts to help…

  • Athletes who need knee reconstruction
  • Women undergoing breast surgery
  • People with hard-to-heal wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers
  • Others who have surgery or significant injuries that require tissue or bone to heal.

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Remembering Our Donor Heroes

The miracle of transplantation begins with a gift - the gift of organ, tissue, and eye donation. Our Tribute Wall honors the donor heroes who make transplantation possible. Donor families and supporters can honor a donor by sharing an online tribute of their loved one.

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Kevin Morsching
Dave D'Agostino
Jonathan Baksh
Katie Coolican
Heather Prutzman
Samantha Reed
Irene Atencio
Kevin Blanchard
Jason Ray

Patient and Family Stories
Read inspiring stories of tissue donors and recipients whose lives have been changed through donation and transplantation.