Birth tissue includes the placenta, umbilical cord, and amniotic fluid. These tissues helped to nourish your baby while you were pregnant and are normally discarded after birth. With your permission, following your C-section delivery, it can be used to help others. Your decision to share this gift with others does not affect the birth or medical care of you or your baby. There is no cost to you to donate and your participation in the program is voluntary.
After you give your consent and the medical criteria
It’s simple. Just say YES to birth tissue donation. Your child’s birth will not be affected in any way.
Although scheduled for a C-Section, Samantha was excited about the upcoming birth of her daughter Sephora. When the hospital told her she had the opportunity to donate her placenta after delivery, she jumped on the opportunity. Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, Samantha worked as a nurse for 10 years in the ICU and saw firsthand the benefit of organ and tissue donation.
“I always loved hearing the amazing stories of how donation had changed the life of someone” said Samantha, “And I honestly never knew I could donate my placenta and help someone who was really suffering from wounds that wouldn’t heal or burns.”
“The placenta donation team explained everything, and it was so easy, I knew I wanted to make this a part of my birth experience. I love knowing that I have helped others and that’s what made me want to donate again, when my son was born.”
Samantha hopes others will want to participate in placenta donation and take part in contributing in such a beautiful way.