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MTF Biologics is committed to honoring the donated gift by facilitating the connections between those who have been healed and those who have generously donated their tissue.

We foster these connections by providing a way for recipients to write to their donor or donor's family, offering volunteer opportunities, and sharing their stories.


Write to your Donor or Donor's Family

As a tissue transplant recipient, you can write to your donor or donor’s family. Donors and their families often appreciate receiving a card or letter from individuals who have received donated tissue. It allows them to know their gift of donation has helped improve the lives of others. The MTF Biologics Linking Lives® Program is just one way we're committed to honoring the donated gift of tissue.


Donor Letter Samples

If you are an AmnioBand, VersaShield, Enhance, or Salera recipient
During your recent procedure, you received a tissue graft from MTF Biologics. The tissue was made from donated birth tissue, which is now your own. It was donated by mothers at the time of their baby’s birth.

Download Sample Letter


If you are a recipient of all other tissue grafts
During your recent surgery, you received a tissue graft from MTF Biologics. This graft was made from donated tissue (bone, tendon, ligament or skin), which is now your own. The tissue was donated at the time of the donor 's death. Many donors or their families choose donation so that they and their family member may matter in death as they mattered in life.

Download Sample Letter


Tips on writing to your Donor or Donor's Family

Many patients wish to express thanks to their donor or donor's family but are unsure of what to say. We have included a sample letter you may use as an example when you send a personal card or letter. We have also provided some suggestions to help you write your letter.

Recipients are encouraged to write a letter which MTF Biologics will forward to the agency that coordinated the tissue recovery. The recovery agency then sends the letter to the donor or donor's family.

You may not hear back from your donor or donor's family. However, donors and their families have shared how important those letters can be. Here are some helpful tips to consider as you write your letter:


  • A thank you for your gift of donated human tissue.
  • Some general information about your tissue transplant experience, such as why you needed a tissue transplant and how it has affected your life and that of your family.
  • Something about you or your family members. This may include your first name, age, gender, hobbies or interests and activities you and your family enjoy.
  • We encourage you to use your first name only, otherwise your name will be disclosed to the donor family.

Yes, I would like begin the process of writing to my donor or donor's family


MTF Biologics Volunteer Program

In addition to the Linking Lives Through Letters Program where you can write to your donor or donor’s family, MTF Biologics has a Volunteer Program. The volunteer program is optional and offers opportunities for those who wish to share their story or volunteer their time to encourage others to become organ, tissue, and eye donors.

You can also volunteer with a local organ and tissue recovery organization. Many of these organizations use volunteers as speakers, participation in general public education events such as health fairs, races, and other community events.

Go to Volunteer Form

Share Your Tissue Transplant Story

Millions of lives are touched each year through the gifts of tissue donation. These donations result in life-changing tissue transplantation stories that bring hope to others. There are millions of inspiring stories and we want to hear about your experience. Will you share your story to help educate others about the successes of tissue transplantation?

Your story may be used in a variety of ways to encourage others to register to become donors – on our website, social media, print media, or for educational purposes. If you prefer to be interviewed about your tissue transplant story, please contact us with your request at:

Share Your Transplant Story

Stories Grid

Contact & Tissue Transplant Information

Your contact information will not be shared with your donor or donor’s family.
It is used to communicate with you and assist with your request.


Thank You

Sharing your experiences helps us in our commitment to honor the donated gift and educate others about the benefits of donation. Your actions and insights will truly help to make a difference in the life of someone in need. We will review the information provided and get in touch with you for more detail, if needed.

I prefer to be contacted via:
I would like to:

Write to your Donor/Donor’s Family with the Linking Lives Program


In order for us to be able to forward your letter to your donor or donor's family, we need the serial number on the tissue graft barcode sticker. If you do not have this information, you need to contact your surgeon or the medical facility where your surgery was performed to request it.

Write your letter to your donor or donor’s family below. If you include personal information (such as last name, address, etc.) in the letter, this may be disclosed when the letter is sent. For this reason, we encourage you to use your first name only. You may also upload a letter written in our word document template, available below.

Upload a letter to your donor/donor's family

Your donor or their family may wish to communicate with you in the future. The decision to accept correspondence is strictly up to you. You may or may not receive a letter back from your donor or donor's family. Some donors or donor families find that writing to their recipients can be very fulfilling. Others may prefer privacy and choose not to write back.

Please indicate your preference by checking the appropriate box below:
Select a choice

Become part of the MTF Volunteer Program

You can also volunteer with a local organ & tissue recovery organization. Many of these organizations utilize volunteers as speakers and for participation in general public education events such as health fairs, races, and other community events.

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